P.S. Here are the speeches...
Speech #5
Did you know that over 90 % of communication on a daily basis is non-verbal?
Yet, we are intimidated by those who communicate differently than us.
Let me give you some examples of non-verbal communications we use every day:
non-verbal communication.· A simple smile or frown to a friend is also non-verbal communication.
Other forms of non-verbal communications are:· American Sign Language
You’d be surprised how
many famous people communicate non-verbally.
Two that come to mind are:· Stephen Hawking, the British physicist, who communicates using a voice synthesizing device.· Roger Ebert, the PBS and
Sun-Times movie critic, uses a different synthesizing method.
Now would you be intimidated to communicate with them?
So why should you be intimidated to chat with any of my friends who communicate non-verbally with the world?!
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Let me introduce you to
TWO of my best friends:
First, meet Halley.
Halley is a college student who is studying communication and wants to become a motivational speaker (like us Toastmasters).
She composes her speeches with her index finger on her computer and uploads them to her Dynavox augmentative device which verbalizes them.
For conversations, she selects the right words or types them in letter by letter on her Dynavox.
Second, meet Chris.
Chris uses a “Pathfinder” picture-oriented augmentative device to construct sentences.
He selects pictures, or types in words one letter at a time, and the device speaks them.
Chris has not yet decided on a career but he likes performing and to be around children.
As I tried to show, both of my friends communicate non-verbally in different ways.
If you met either of my friends on-line, you’d never know they use communications devices as their primary form for communicating.
Don’t think that they are not smart
My thoughts are best summarized in a quotation
I found on-line:
Don't judge me
until you know me.
Don't underestimate me
until you challenge me.
And don't talk about me
until you talk to me!
Speech #6
Imagine you are in a doctor’s office.
Blah, blah, blah, blah…
EXCUSE ME, Dr.I am here.
Dr. Dr.
I know you see this metal
I know I am small,
but do you see ME?I know I might look like a complicated case,
but out of this chair I am a just person like you.
Now do you see ME?
I want the best for ME.
I work like you work.
Now do you see ME?
I went to college like you.
Now do you see ME?
I have a family like you.
Now do you see ME?
I have friends like you.
Now do you see ME?
Do you really see
Jessica Laurel Martin?---------- Transition from Opening to Body --------
Mr. /Madame Toastmaster, Fellow Toastmasters & Guests.
What I just described is what I wish I’d said to one of my doctors
lady-like to say it.
During that visit, he talked only to the person who accompanied me
Did this ever happen to you?
I’m NOT a bunch of symptoms!
Young doctors are not taught “sensitivity” in medical school,
This whole situation bothered me,
realize that unless
So, I plan to make it my mission to speak to future doctors and nurses in training.
I’m going to say simply “Treat disabled people WITH RESPECT!” by talking TO THEM <Pause>and NOT to their caregiver.
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Another issue I have come across is when I am in a restaurant.
Waiters and waitresses
aren’t any better than doctors when it comes to treating me with RESPECT.
One time I visited my favorite restaurant on a date.
When it came time to order, the waitress asked my date “what does she want to eat”.
“EXCUSE ME”, I wanted to say,
“I am a 25 year old college-educated young lady who can tell you what I want to eat
Don’t you see ME?
I get SO FRUSTRATED when waitresses don’t TALK to ME
Or worst, when they offer me crayons to amuse myself.
Don’t laugh
This actually happens to me quite frequently when I
eat out with my parents!
Would this ever happen to you while you were dining out?
So why does this happen to someone like me!
I WILL “fight back” by going onto or to
critique businesses on how
well they treat people like me.
------ Transition from Body to Closing -------
Tonight I vented my frustrations with two personal stories illustrating when I was NOT SEEN as a PERSON!
I also shared how I plan to get doctors and waitresses to “Treat disabled people WITH RESPECT!”
Speech #7
Mister/Madame Toastmaster, Fellow Toastmasters, & Guests.
Today I am going to· Start by telling you
who is a PEZhead.· Continue with a brief history of PEZ candy and its dispensers that I researched on-line.· Then, why I started collecting Pez dispensers and
became a PEZhead.· And end with pictures of my favorite dispensers in my collection.
Slide 2 - PEZhead----------- transition Opening to Body --------
A PEZhead isn’t just anyone who collects just a few
Pez candy dispensers.
A PEZhead is someone who is fanatical about collecting every Pez dispenser ever made
Like me!
Whenever I go/step into a candy store,
Slide 3 - Squeal
I squeal with excitement if my brother or I find one I don’t have.
Pez candy was invented in
nineteen twenty-seven by an Austrian candy maker.
That was the same year that Charles Lindbergh flew solo across the Atlantic.
--- Pfefferminz slide---
The name P-E-Z comes from the first, middle, & last letters of the German word for Peppermint –
Pez was originally packaged in small, hand-held boxes similar to modern Altoid tins
--- Plain-top Silver dispenser slide---
The first plain-top dispenser
Some of you carried one as a kid.
Slide 6 – PEZ poster
Pez first came to the US in nineteen fifty-two during the Korean War.
--- Santa & Mickey dispenser slide---
Three years later, the Pez Company added character heads like Santa Claus & Mickey Mouse on dispensers, <& marketed the smoking mint to kids as candy in new flavors.
That same year, McDonald’s drive-INs started popping up across the US.
umpkin head Slide
When I was 8, I was given my first Pez dispenser, Pumpkin-head, & began collecting Pez dispensers because they were inexpensive and unbreakable.
I still collect them today because there are so many colorful old Pez dispensers,
& new designs every year.
I have over five hundred individual dispensers or collector sets in my collection.
Among my favorites are:
A 2009 “Wizard of Oz” 70th anniversary collector set.
A 2010 “Snow White & 7 Dwarfs” collectors set; set slide
A 2007 80th year limited edition set ;
And a “Hello Kitty” collector set.
Among the ones on my birthday wish list, are:
ET set slide\
A 1982 limited edition set.A limited edition set;
Or any new 2013 designs.
Today/Tonight I began by defining is a PEZhead. .
I continued with a of PEZ candy and its dispensers. .
I then told you collecting and became a PEZhead.
And ended with of my favorite dispensers,
Don’t I have a ? You too could be like me!
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