In my writing class, one of my prompts was how I
view being 65 – which I found overwhelming. However, with the start of a
New Year I know exactly what goals I want to accomplish in 2015.
In the area of dance I want to continue making dances with my dance partner and
making sure that more people are aware of physically integrated dance because
as you all know I’m extremely passionate about this.
My second goal for 2015 is to go through life with less pain. With the
start of 2015 I’ve had new complications come up as a result of my cerebral
palsy. I had this goal even before I knew about the complications. My
dance partner introduced me to a technique called Nia. It is a
combination of dance, Tai Chi and yoga. So my hope is that with the
combination of dance and adding more yoga into my life and nia that my pain
will become more manageable.
My third goal is probably the hardest one to accomplish financially, but I
would love to travel to a far place with my spiritual community because I feel
that in this setting we would become an even closer community and get to know
each other that much more.
My last goal for 2015 is to continue to pamper myself as I did this
holiday season. I feel that in today’s society we don’t give ourselves
time to just enjoy ourselves; so I plan to budget for time and money to go to
the movies with friends and family; and to go to the nail salon to get my nails
done. The people at the nail salon and at the movies know me by name. It
feels so good to go into a place where people know your name. I even
applied for a job at the beginning of the year. I didn’t get it, but at
least now, more people in Desplaines know me; and I feel that is an
accomplishment within itself.
So my question for you is, what are your goals for 2015? If you find it
overwhelming to think about your goals for the year; go through your life like
I did and everything you do. Then it becomes easier to create goals and
dreams for yourself. Good luck and Happy New Year! -Jessi
Ps .
if you notice I did not talk about any goals having to do with my work
on purpose because that is the focus of my next post.