Today September 1,2009 is a very special day for me. I have lived at the purple pad and have been writing this blog for exactly one year! A year ago living in an apartment was something my family and I talked about over dinner. In the beginning, even though I wanted to live on my own, I didn’t know if it was possible for me or if I would like it. I even thought there might be a chance that I would write something like unfortunately the apartment thing didn’t work out for me and I had to move back home but luckily that was not the case. With the help of my mom, dad, and PA’s, this has been a very successful year. Thanks to them another one of my dreams has come true. As I sit here and think about this past year I know that I still have a lot of things to master about living on my own and things will be different now that Norine has moved out. I am disappointed about this and it will take some getting used to but I understand and I believe there is a reason for everything. However over the course of this year, I have learned a lot of important life lessons such as what it is like living with a roommate, having to hire and fire aides, and being in charge of someone. Like everything else in my life freedom comes with challenges and it isn’t always easy, but the fact that I can say that I have lived on my own for one year with supports means a lot to me! I plan to stay here at least another year and look forward to the new challenges and adventures that lie ahead as I continue to live on my own and write this blog.
I would also like to welcome Lindsy as the newest member of my support staff. We went to Israel together and we have a great relationship. She is helping me this year at my internships on Mondays and Wednesdays and some Friday nights so I can stay at the apartment more often. Not to say that I don’t love coming home to my moms cooking and spending time with my family because in fact I do, but getting the chance to stay at the apartment more will allow me to feel that much more independent and it will open the door to new opportunities for me. Thank you for reading! It has been so much fun doing this.
Yes ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I did it!
I have lived on my own for one year! ! !
I am very happy!
Lots of love
Ps. Please see the link below. We need to get more self advocates with disabilities in the state of Illinois because if we are silent nothing will get done and I along with the disabled community could lose the chance to live independently with self determined lives but at least this website is a step in the right direction. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. It is an honor to do so. Please spread the word!